Yoga Tree

Focusing Skills Journey is a 60 hour series of experiential seminars spread over 5 modules, of which the above Module one is a pre requsite. This course deepens and expands Focusing skills and explores it's wider applications. It is useful both for people wanting to use the tools in their daily life as well as for anyone working with people - whether as facilitator, coach or therapist or in a leadership position. The format of the course is a combination of in - person weekend workshops and online seminars (zoom). The learning is a mixture of Focusing theory, experiential inquiries, pair and group exercises. This course is  BFA Accredited and enables you continue the Focusing education into Practitioner and Teacher training.

Places are limited to max 10 participants per group for a more intimate sense of community and quality learning.


You will learn how to:

~ Sense inwards & listen with sensitivity and subtlety

~ Engage with that in you which knows more than you can say

~ Recognise how the body "speaks”

~ Broaden your perception of the inner landscape and navigate your  

     life  choices from the deeper place inside

~ Explore the stages of Focusing and ways of communicating that  

     facilitates deeper movement and change

~ Relate to yourself with care, compassion and wonder

~ Support yourself and others in difficult places and inner explorations

~ Be more skilfully with tangled issues, blocks, the inner critic & other

    'parts' of ourselves

~ Connect with yourself and others in deeper and more enriching way

~ Deepen your inner journey in meditation, creative flow and your

     pathway to wholeness

Cost: £600 for 4 modules

For those who wish to pay for each module separately:

£150 (online module) or £180 (in- person weekend module)

To book

If you are interested in joining the group please contact Halina :, 07528 122 281

Body Wisdom - A Way In

Introduction to Focusing

Your body is not a machine, rather a wonderfully intricate interaction with everything around you, which is why it "knows" so much just in being  - G. Gendlin

Beginning the journey of being in touch, engaging and drawing from your inner knowing. And that's through the art of sensing inwards, communicating with your bodily felt awareness and making sense of it. We will practice felt companioning within and without and begin embodying the life transforming steps of a long journey without distance. This introductory workshop is an doorway to further explorations into specific themes and entry to the Focusing Skills Training, BFA accredited personal and professional training. MORE

Session 1 - The Doors

Session 2 - Felt Listening

Session 3 - Felt Sensing and Sense making (Symbolising and Resonance)

Session 4 - Mapping and steps

Cost: £150 online or £180 in person (small group of 6-8 participants) BOOK HERE


Body Wisdom

A way in...

Two options to begin:

In person weekend: 19th - 20th October, Rickmansworth or

Weekly zoom: 4 x Tuesday/ Thursday (tbd)

Not knowing is knowing moment by moment by moment. Thomas Huebl

Ongoing space of explorations constellated around personal issues or curiosities. We meet monthly over zoom and get together for weekends of themed explorations:

Body Symptoms


Purpose, Meaning and Work

Dreams and Symbols




Skills Course

Body Wisdom - Going Further


Small Group


The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door. - Clarissa Pincola Estes

Felt explorations are explorations into themes that matter to us, whether we hold curiosity around our body symptoms, relational dynamics, whether we are intrigued by the wisdom of our dreams and callings or are ready to lean into unknown together. Those workshops are dedicated to our personal explorations where your skills of focusing, supported by the facilitator, can open the doors and offer new insights. The group is limited to 4 participants to so that everyones issue, theme or dilemma is given an exclusive attention during the session. This setting offers the benefits of both individual and group work.

Sessions are offered monthly.

Each session is 1h (2 person), 1.5hrs. (3 person) or 2 hrs (4 person)

Cost: £30 per session (zoom) and £40 in person

Pre requisite: Attending the Introducion to Focusing (Module I)

Groups Forming Now: If you are interested in joining please contact Halina on